Daisy Barnett
MVetPhys Student
Animal Physiotherapy
Animal physiotherapy is a field of growth in the UK due to factors including increasing client (owner) awareness and demand. Advances in veterinary diagnostic and treatment technology have lead to increasingly sophisticated and integrated veterinary management of both companion and performance animals, and overall increases in animal longevity.
Swim to Recovery: Canine Hydrotherapy Healing
This book has come about as a result of growing interest in the benefits of hydrotherapy treatment. A feature in a national newspaper about the work of Animal Magic Hydrotherapy, Fitness and Grooming Centre prompted the publisher to contact the centre , with a view to publishing a book about its work.
The Role of Exercise and Physical Modalities in the Treatment of oesteoarthritis
Physical rehabilitation may be an important part of a treatment plan for animals with osteoarthritis. The goals of rehabilitation are to minimize discomfort, improve joint range of motion, maintain muscle strength and fitness, and improve function. Therapeutic exercise and physical modalities, including heat and cold application, massage, and ultrasound and electrotherapy, may be incorporated into a program designed through the collaborative efforts of veterinarians and physical therapists. Documented results are necessary to improve rehabilitation protocols and patient management.