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“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”
 Henry Wheeler Shaw
Personally I am one of those people who have always said I love all animals equally, but between me and you, dogs have always come out on top. I may have never actually owned my own dog (something I will never forgive my mum for) but I have grown up around them from such an early age, dogs are one of the main reasons I wish to pursue a career in Veterinary Physiotherapy. 
''No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.''
Winston Churchill 
To me horses are the most fascinating creatures, horses have been an interest of mine since being a young girl and living close to Barbury and experiencing the excitement that Barbury Horse Trials brought to the local area. Since an early age I have always been part of pony clubs like most young girls. However after leaving pony club I was given the opportunity to loan a pony named Flit, who I absolutely adored. Unfortunately I ended up having a growth spurt and later outgrew Flit. Which led to me relocating yards where I later bought my own pony named Bonnie who I went on many adventures with until the age of 16. 
“You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.”
Paul McCartney 

To me all animals are just as loyal and just as loving. I have had experience with a wide range of animals from reptiles (as you can see from my picture I don't look too impressed about holding it) to various farm animals. Last year I helped out on a farm with lambing duties which involved looking after new born lambs (yes they were very cute) and their mothers. I also have additonal experience with other farm based animals such as cattle and sheep.

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