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Nutrition presentation reflection

When we were all first told about this presentation myself and my peers were filled with dread. However one aspect I felt confident with was the fact it was a group work project, this was because I knew I worked well within a group due to the journal club presentation carried out in the first semester, because of this I chose to work with the same group as before it proved successful. Group work was also a good way for me to further develop my communication skills (Attle et al., 2007), beneficial for a veterinary physiotherapist.

My group and myself found this assignment very interesting but we all also acknowledged it was going to be a challenge. When dividing up who was going to do what I knew I had to put myself forward for the more scientific areas as I agreed in previous reflections that I needed to do this in order to improve in this area. At first major panic set in I was worried about not being able to produce strong enough work for my group as I knew this was an area of weakness, however my team helped me with sections I struggled on. As part of the assignment I also produced the video, but I feel I assigned myse

lf too much work as struggled to find enough time to produce a video, however I was the only person in my group with the software to produce it.

If I were to carry out this assignment type again there is very little I would change as I feel it was successful especially as the group all worked well together. However I would change the time frame in which we planned it, as a group we decided to start the video before the Easter holidays, however this meant I had to do a lot of the work by myself over the Easter holidays to ensure it was completed as I was the only one with access to the laptop, this added extra stress for myself and also meant I couldn’t check with my peers if they we

re happy with the work.

Overall I was extremely happy with the quality and content of the video and I hope my final grade reflects this.

Our nutrition feed was called 'Saletum' this was our packer design

Attle, S., & Baker, B. 2007 Cooperative learning in a competitive environment: Classroom applications. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 19(1), 77-83.

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